

I'm Ashley-- a fiancee, mother, teacher, artist, and self-taught cook from a small town in Pennsylvania. After establishing myself under my own roof in late May 2011 with my fiance, Bryan, and my little kitchen helper Natalie, I was excited to begin experimenting with food in our small apartment kitchen. Propelled a genuine love of eating, creating, and feeding my family good food, I quickly devised a plan of action for our nightly dining experiences where we would try new recipes gathered from a plethora of publications, blogs, and websites. And in this Google age, you can find about a billion or so ways to make ANYTHING. So, I decided to never make the same dinner twice since I just HAVE to try every recipe that looks good!

Most recipes found on this blog have nutrition in mind, as Bryan is a stickler for all things healthy. Because of his past struggles with obesity and unhealthy eating habits, Bryan chose to adopt a new lifestyle that incorporates home-cooked, healthy, and delicious meals with a consistent weightlifting regime. Though hesitant, after tasting some of the delicious kitchen concoctions Bryan made, I was soon sold on the idea of implementing more nutritious choices in meals and snacks. It wasn't gross, and it wasn't difficult! Soon I found that virtually any recipe can be adjusted with simple swap-outs to heighten the nutritional content, which was an excellent discovery as I was armed with an arsenal of recipes that were a bit lack-luster in the nutrition department. That being said, you will also find some not-so-healthful recipes on this blog as well. What can I say? Everyone deserves a treat now and then!

And so it began. The birth of this food blog. Not only did I want a way to chronicle my endeavors with recipes, but I wanted a chance to share my successes and failures with people like me: those that want to be a little healthier without complicated, unmanageable recipes. I also want to bring the home-cooked family dinner to a new generation of young twenty-somethings that have been eating easy-mac and ramen noodles for the entire duration of their adult years. If I can cook these things, so can you! Thanks for visiting! Enjoy the blog and feel free to contact me with questions, comments, or suggestions at simplyshlee@gmail.com


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